The Reasons to Use WordPress

The Information Superhighway – The name that some of you might be familiar with. Since the early 90’s, the World Wide Web has grown up a lot, be it from education to business purposes, it has become part of our daily lives.  While commercial viable solutions would still be relying on expensive webhosting back in the 90s. At the same time, web communities have also become larger. Back then, free services had a lot of limitations, most early forms of content sharing were done in the guise of BBS, emails or Web forum. During that time, many users also started their own internet diary and content sharing via the internet. The term “blog” was coined by Jorn Barger from the word “weblog”; in a simpler explanation, it is an internet diary. 

Fast forward to present day, web content is running at its full force. While some classic methods of content sharing is still available, things got more streamlined and centralized.  Be it a blog or a corporate website, content management has become a huge deal.  In order to get the right targeted crowd to the website, the contents are needed to be managed by a system. In order for amateur users to build their own website or blog, they would normally go to online website builder instead.  According to recent statistics from and, three most popular website building platforms in 2017 are:

WordPress (50.07%)

Drupal (17.07%)

Joomla (6.44%)

As you can see from the graph, WordPress holds the largest CMS market share and currently accounts for over a quarter of all websites. As a result, many users might have already familiar with the WordPress CMS, thus extensive trainings are not needed to build a new website. To prove to you this point, this website is actually made with WordPress. If you need any assistant on building your WordPress site in Malaysia, you should try Inspiren as they really passionate and love what they are doing.

1. WordPress is Free

Before the boom of social networking software or websites, many had turned themselves into blogging. Most blog services were easy to use and basically can be done without any programming language knowledge. While Blogger might be the more popular name due to its association with the original term, some had actually opted for alternatives. WordPress is pretty much ahead of Blogger due to its journalist like nature. Most beginners will like the design tools in WordPress due to its simplicity and also usability. Users can either use the online editor or download its software application to start editing.  The WordPress software is absolutely free and open source. The source code is available to everyone thus it can be modified or customized. From a simply weblog of a student to a shopping website, WordPress can get all of these done. The customizability of WordPress is endless, should you need to apply 3rd party plugins such as SEO optimizer, you can do it with ease on WordPress.  If the built-in themes are not enough, you can always search for 3rd party templates and customize the website to the taste of your own. There are currently over 2600+ WordPress themes and 31,000+ plugins available for free. . (Source from:

2. WordPress is Very Flexible

When it comes to Website building, some might shy away from learning complex programming language and even network methodologies. The easiest way out is to use web editors or design templates. In order to get that prestige and classy website, where should we start then? If you know how to use Microsoft Word, you already know how add your own content. WordPress can be expanded with free or paid plugins to handle just about any site you can imagine. One of our favorite: Visual Composer. On WordPress, the built-in editor might not be sufficient for some users if they require more complex designs or layouts for their website. As learning programming is not a thing that you can accomplish in a day or two, thus programming free software is needed to get task done. Stay away from creating a mediocre website that looks like it is made by some elementary kid. Visual Composer will ensure you get the high quality website layout from reputable companies such as Apple or Microsoft. You may use Visual Composer as your competitive advantage to design layouts you always wanted, the layouts that could sell more. It allows the beginner to simply drag and drop content elements around the page to design the website layout. With no advanced skills needed, it is just like preparing your typical Word or PowerPoint documents.

3. Designed for Anyone, Not Just Developers

Imagine hiring a group of people to develop an E-commerce website and you need to list down a long list of criteria that each person of the group might need to equip. Missing out one small particular skill might just put your whole project in jeopardy.  Take the now on retirement Flash for example, which was once famous for creating complex animation and widely used on commercial websites. If you still ever need Flash animation, you will need at least a few persons in the team to work it out. To overcome this, you should just make the web building process simply by adopting easy to use system like WordPress. Majority of web designers and developers use WordPress which translate to over 60 million websites on the internet. This means you can get help quite quickly and the projects can be hand over for maintenance without any problem.  It also shortens the time needed to train a beginner to WordPress. Before WordPress became a popular CMS for website development, it was developed for non-tech savvy bloggers. So most of the user-interface components are easy to use, and there are written and recorded manuals available for beginners. If the existing manuals are not good enough, you can always browse online tutorial videos that are shared across popular video-sharing websites such as YouTube.

4. WordPress is Search Engine Friendly

To target the right audience, webmasters can attach plugins to create traffic. Since it is kind of troublesome, you might think social media is the easiest ways to attract readers. This option is good if you assume if all people will logon to social media apps. In reality most users might not even want to visit your Facebook page at all. Apps like Instagram even serve a smaller purpose as it is a photo sharing app. WordPress is written using standards- compliant codes and produces semantic mark-up, therefore it will make your site very attractive to search engines. Let’s say if you wish to target photographic enthusiasts, these users will likely conduct search using keyword like camera, landscape, night shot etc. With SEO in place, your site can be featured in search engines instead of relying on social media. By design, WordPress is already very SEO friendly but you can still take it up to another level by using WordPress SEO plugin. One the best SEO plugins and our favourite: Yoast SEO. With Yoast, you can be sure to make your website counts whenever someone starts to search with important keywords on the internet. As long as you got the settings right, you should get your website easily appears in popular search engines such as Google and even a simple keyword might just do the trick.

Source: Inspiren

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