The Power of Profile Listings and Directories

Do you know the importance of directories and profiles pages for marketing your business. Well at Internet Marketing Auckland, the company behind the growing success of many small New Zealand businesse we certainly do.

You may think that having a powerful website is enough, but isn’t. Your website needs to supported by a base of reputable and desirable directory pages and profile listings. Take Youtube & Facebook for example. Both these platforms are responsible for half the world internet traffic,so it makes sense to have listings on these platforms.

Online business directories are also becoming the go to source for potential consumers to find reputable and REVIEWED local businesses. Consumers are getting smarter and they know that companies filter bad/negative reviews. With sources like Facebook, Yelp, Trademe Services, consumers get an honest and unbiased outlook on your business.

A powerful directory also can help power your website and give it some positive value so that search engines see you as a viable and popular listing.

Posting images on galleries and image host websites is also another good way to reach a more visual audience. A picture speaks a thousand words and that is true for online marketing.

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